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Tuesday 2 September 2014

In the name of all things Pumpkin

I may have jumped the gun on the whole baking with pumpkin thing, being that I rolled out these bad boys in just late August, but I just couldn't walk by the pumpkin puree in the grocery store one more time without throwing it in my basket. Every time I would try, it would stick out to me, mocking me, really. It was almost as if the can had dual intentions – neither of them honourable. On one hand, it wanted me to start my fall baking parade before the calendar had even flipped to September (seemingly blasphemous in my mind, for whatever reason) and on the other hand it wanted to derail my attempts at eating as healthily as I could. Though, if we're being honest.. a series of work-related events leading up to me taking maternity leave did a pretty solid job of sending that train off track momentarily. Regardless – the can was mocking me.

“Don't you wanna’ make a pumpkin pie?”
“Look at me I'm the main ingredient in pumpkin loaf!”
“Mmm, wouldn't I taste great in a pumpkin spice cupcake with cream cheese frosting?”

So, I decided to kill two birds with one stone and launch a can or two in my grocery basket. I was going to transform this pumpkin puree into something I wouldn't feel guilty about indulging in – Pumpkin Protein Muffins. It still felt a little weird consuming them in late August, but, YOLO.

Since initially posting the muffins, I've received 9 different Facebook messages requesting the recipe (actually demanding it in one instance – you know who you are). So, I thought I’d make a blog post about it! After all, it is now officially September. The lines between late Summer and early Fall are illegibly blurred at this point. I, myself, though I may be bias, consider it to be ‘game on’ when it comes to any pumpkin-pie, apple-crisp, cinnamon-spice, candy-corn or salted-caramel recipe your heart desires.

To all of my fellow Fall loving friends, you're welcome:
½ can of Pumpkin Puree
½ cup of Greek Yogurt (I used Vanilla but I’m sure any would do)
½ cup of applesauce
3 egg whites
1 ¾ cups of Old Fashioned Oats
¼ cup of Protein Powder (your choice). I've also made a batch of these sans le powder and they turned out great so if you are concerned and would prefer to leave it out – go nuts. Literally, add crushed nuts of your choice in place of the protein powder!
1 ½ cups of Baking Stevia OR 1 cup of sweetener of your choice ( I used organic blueberry jam because my mom went on a canning jam frenzy this summer so I had multitudes to use up. I got the sweetness factor, didn’t have to use any fake sugars AND the muffins came out on the moist side – which I enjoy!)
1 tsp Baking Soda
2 tsp Baking Powder
Then, add in whichever spices your little Fall loving heart desires. I used cinnamon, but you can use pumpkin pie spice, nutmeg, whatever!
As far as add-in’s go – I threw in some cacao nibs but, again, you can be creative. Chocolate chips, walnuts, dried cranberries, or fresh fruit – your options really are endless as these portable little guys are the perfect vehicle for just about anything.

Baking Instructions:
Throw it all in a bowl, mix well, portion it out into a 12-spot muffin tin and bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes, or until you can stick a toothpick in without it coming out covered in puree. I tend to do the toothpick test 3 or 4 times before I know they are finished, but that’s because I seemingly can’t wait to eat the pumpkin. It’s the grown-up equivalent of licking the wooden spoon when making cookies.

Eating Instructions:
Throw on a sweater and your favourite pair of tights, tuck them into some knee-length boots, sit on your front porch, watch the leaves change and ENJOY! Fall is only here for a little while.. get it in ya’!

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