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Thursday 13 July 2017

Rainy Day Peanut Butter Cookies

There are a few things that led me and my oldest daughter, Ryan, to bake up some peanut butter cookies this afternoon.

  1. Her younger sister, Casey, is going through a growth spurt and teething simultaneously so I haven't had much opportunity to spend quality one on one time with Ryan, that is, without a baby in my arms for nursing or cuddling purposes.
  2. It's a really crappy day here, pouring rain on and off and the humidity to boot.
  3. I am three days in to a 21 day sugar and wheat free challenge and was craving something sweet!

So, once baby Casey was down for a much needed nap, we got right to it!

I will be honest, I don't usually hit it out of the park on attempt #1 while baking; it usually takes me a bit of editing to perfect a recipe worth writing down. But, these were delicious! Not only were they only 3 ingredients, but they took 10 minutes to cook AND were just enough to satisfy my sweet tooth while not having to throw in the towel on my challenge. 

Recipe was as follows:


  1. All Natural Peanut Butter (1 cup)
  2. Baking powder (1 tbsp)
  3. 1 large egg

Combine ingredients in mixing bowl, form into balls, place in 350 degree oven and cook for 10 minutes. Take out, let cool, voila!

*If you're feeling fancy, you can fork hash your cookies before baking for that classic peanut butter cookie look. Note: this was Ryan's favourite part! 

These little guys paired perfectly with a glass of unsweetened vanilla almond milk! 

So, if you're ever looking for a guilt free, minimal effort sweet treat on a rainy afternoon - give these bad boys a whirl!  

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