Yesterday, I left my midwives appointment with discouraging news. At 39 weeks (just one week away from my "due date") I am still showing no 'signs' of baby. Normally, at 39 weeks, this wouldn't be the absolute worst news for an expectant Mama, but, I had to be forcefully induced at 42 and a half weeks with my first pregnancy, and it was only after 30 hours of full on induction methods that I progressed into labour. For this reason, I had my hopes up that this time around, things may be progressing a little further on their own. But, no such luck - yet!
I had the option to either let the news bring me down, or, "take a bath on it" and let what will be, be. As a self proclaimed Bath Addict you KNOW I took myself up on option #2.
I decided that last nights bath would be dedicated to calming down, and what assists with relaxation more than lavender? Unfortunately, my lavender
essential oil was running low so I placed an order, and resolved to go with some lavender-scented bath products I had on hand.

My items of choice were, Ombra Aromatherapy Foam Bath, JOE FRESH Lavender scented Epsom Salts, and Bath Retreat Lavender Sugar Scrub.
I will start with my favourite product of the night.
The Ombra aromatherapy foam bath.

What I loved about the product is that a little bit went a long way. For a full tub of bubbles, I only had to use a "dollop".

Another great aspect to the foam bath is that it's available in the cute, convenient
4 pack which includes popular scents like berry, vanilla, and eucalyptus as well.

The second product of the night was something that I hadn't actually tried before, though I had high expectations as I am familiar with other products under this Bath Retreat brand.

In order to give a fair review of the product, I only used it on my left side, so that I could compare properly post-bath. I regret this, as there was such a difference that I spent the hours after my bath wishing my right side felt as smooth and smelt as divine as my left. Needless to say, the product worked great.
sugar scrub, which acts like an exfoliant, can be used in the shower or the bath- which means it has the potential to double its usefulness if you have a household with both bath addicts and shower advocates. An added bonus, I love that the
Bath Retreat Sugar Scrub is made in Canada.
The last product of the night is the
JOE FRESH Epsom Salts. I used to be a larger fan of these salts, until I started making my own (mixing Epsom Salt, Sea Salt and
Lavender Essential Oil). The strengths of the product- the scent is strong, something that my hormonal scent-obsessed self can appreciate. I also appreciate that the product is available in a 2kg bag, as opposed to the commonly sold 1kg or less quantities.

The only downfalls of this product is that the salts themselves are incredibly small in size, which causes you to have to use more salts than the products that provide you with the larger, slower dissolving rocks.

I also don't love that the packaging doesn't list specific ingredients, so I'm not willing to share with my "monkey-see, monkey-do" 2 year old, who loves to toss a tiny handful of Epsom Salts into her own bath every night.
Overall, all three products combined for a heavenly scented and calming bath which left my skin (at least the left side of it) feeling great!
I may not have a definite, foreseeable end in sight as far as this pregnancy is concerned, but I am content with taking a few more baths on it, accepting that we are, in fact, blessed with days- not cursed, and enjoying these last days I have left as a Mom of one --- however many more days (or weeks) that may be!