The weather tonight was not pretty; a bit of a snowfall, followed by freezing rain left us with a mixture of mud and slush. "Mush". It was, however, the perfect weather for crafting. So, on the way home from work, I stopped by Dollarama to grab some odds and ends. I was able to score a haul of yucky-weather-craft-supplies for under five bucks!

Also used for this craft were toilet paper rolls! We have made it a habit to save these, paper towel rolls, kleenex boxes, and other would-be-garbage items for the purposes of crafting.
Before starting our crafts tonight, we had a super simple lesson on colours, matching coloured clothes pins to the corresponding colour block. Real ground-breaking stuff.
I loved this find because Ryan could do most of the crafting herself. Sometimes with craft ideas I pick up from other blogs or Pinterest boards, I end up having to carry out most of the steps myself. I definitely suggest these "love bugs" for anyone who wants their child to actively participate in the crafting. You know, as opposed to when we are doing toddler themed crafts for the purpose of our own enjoyment. Don't judge, you know it happens.

The only step that I had to do myself was poking the hole in the back of "body" of the bug, so that I could stick the "antennae" through.

While crafting, Ryan used her colour matching to pick out the nose, antennae, and wings for our love bugs!
This would be the perfect Valentine's Day craft, and we may do them again closer to the holiday, using more pinks, reds and heart shaped decorations. One suggestion that I have for anyone looking to do this with their own littles is to find eyes and noses that have sticky backing. It will save you some time, and some sticky fingers!
All in all, it was a fun way to spend the night indoors with our loveliest love bug of all!
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