How unfortunate that we, as a society, have become so unenthused with the idea of an individual who wants to better themselves or their lives in any way. I, personally, choose to support any resolutions or goals of my family members, friends, acquaintances or strangers. If you want to try to lose those last 15 pounds for the 12th consecutive year - yes! I applaud you. I will 'like' every filtered photo of your treadmill results that you share. If you have decided that this is your year to save more money, I salute you. I will gladly trade in out-for-dinner dates with made-at-home visits. If you want to spend less time on your phone - I won't even bring mine along with me the next time we plan to meet up.
The truth is, we only have so many trips around the sun, and for that reason, I say, make those resolutions. Make them and break them and make them again. Invest in yourself, make this year "your year" - whatever that even means to you! Disregard the eye rolls and pay no mind to the naysayers. Do not apologize for having goals or feeling the want or need to express them publicly, whether it be for accountability, support, or otherwise!
And so, here it is, unapologetically - my New Year Resolutions.
1. Live with Less.
This year, I want to live with less. It has been a long time coming, and I have slowly started to make changes within my own home and lifestyle that will assist me making this resolution attainable. One of the ways I will be kickstarting this particular resolution is by taking part in the 30 Day Minimalist Challenge for the month of January. We have placed a large storage box at our front door. On the first day of January, we placed one item inside. Today, the 2nd of January, we placed two. Tomorrow we will place three, and so on, until the month is through. This will allow us to rid our household of over 400 unnecessary items in the month of January alone!
I have also started a "Wants and Needs" board. Every time we run out of an item that we are in need of, it goes on the board. Every time we discuss something that would be helpful to have, or something that we would like to purchase, it goes on the board. So how, exactly, will this help with living with less? By sticking to the uncompromisable rule that if it's not on the board, we don't buy it. I can't believe how much money we spend (and more importantly, how much "stuff" we accumulate) whilst running daily errands, browsing online Mom-Swap sites or while out, simply because "it was on sale".
So, that is my main resolution. Of course there are little goals that I hope to accomplish throughout the year, like posting to my personal blog more regularly. Hey, look, I'm already off to a great start! And then of course, come March when we welcome our newest member into the family, I'm certain I will be determined to lose the baby weight .. and then some! You know, the usuals. But, for now - intentionally trying to live with less will be top of mind, for me. With less 'stuff' in our lives, it is my hope that there is then more room in our home, in our minds and in our lives for things of more importance.
2017: Less is more!
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